

一人份材料 組隊內擊倒怪物需求
100 Lucky Bus TicketImage not found
200 Viking HelmetImage not found 200 Vikerola (維京熊)
200 Toy PlaneImage not found 200 Booper Scarlion (飛行獅)
200 Wooden Pony TailImage not found 200 Gallopera(騎士熊)
10 Rodeo’s MasterImage not found
NPC:LamImage not found
任務 #1 – Lam Wants To See The World
註記:收集巴士票的同時也可以順便刷地圖上方的Booper Scarlion (飛行獅)圖片收集200個玩具飛機Toy Plane Image not found,後續的任務(Gift For Brother)會用到。
任務 #2 – Off to the City
任務 #3 – Gift For Brother

與LamImage not found對話後回到Fantasy Theme Park 2(夢幻樂園2)
打倒200隻Booper Scarlion (飛行獅) Image not found並收集200個Toy Plane (玩具飛機)Image not found後回報Lam

任務 #4 – Merry-Go-Round in Kampung
和LamImage not found接取任務後,前往Entrance to the Spooky World(夢幻樂園入口)
打倒200隻Gallopera (騎士熊)Image not found並收集200個木製馬尾巴(Wooden Pony Tail )Image not found後回報Lam
任務 #5 – Off to the Fantasy Theme Park
與LamImage not found對話,在Muddy Banks 3(泥濘草原2)或是Hibiscus Road 1(木槿路1)
從Rodeo (黑色獵犬)Image not found身上收集10個黑暗獵犬主人(Rodeo’s Master )Image not found後,交給 Lam

獲得兩個Spirit of Fantasy Theme Park(夢幻公園的意念)Image not found

帶著意念Image not found,組成隊伍後和NPC Aldol Image not found對話進入Spooky World
即可挑戰Scarlion(娃娃獅王)Image not found和Targa(泰勒熊)Image not found
